Exterior Waterproofing Technique



1. Excavate the suggested perimeter structure.

  • Dig down to the base of the foundation.


2. Inspect structure for cracks.

  • Clean wall.
  • Verify areas of cracks that are causing water to seep into your home.
  • Fix any crack/holes.


3. Apply sealer to the wall (Sealant).

  • The propose of the sealer is to close all possible pores/invisible to the naked eyes or any crack that wasn’t able to be fixed using hydraulic cement.


4. Membrane Installation

  • Do not use tar because when exposed to air, it dry-out and become very brittle thus easy to crack hence re-leak happens
  • Bituminous Waterproofing Membrane
  • Compose of petroleum-based asphalt material.
  • Consider the most commonly used exterior membrane.
  • Highly resistant to moisture.
  • Apply to the wall using trowel and rollers.
  • A fiberglass mesh material is usually used between applications.
  • Over time this type of membrane becomes brittle because it exposes to the environment causing it to dry-out.
  • Liquid Waterproofing Membrane
  • More often used for interior waterproofing because of its low odor and very easy to apply.
  • Apply to the wall using a paintbrush.
  • Extremely effective to use in any environment (hot or cold).
  • Unlike Bitumen, it won’t crack or shrink.
  • Elastomeric Waterproofing Membrane
  • Considered to be a “lifetime waterproofing” technique because it’s composed of polyurethane.
  • Apply to the wall using paintbrush and/or rollers.
  • Mainly used for exterior waterproofing.
  • Comparably expensive.
  • Crystalline Waterproofing Membrane aka Capillary Waterproofing System
  • Almost entirely use for interior waterproofing.
  • The liquid penetrates through the concrete wall to form crystals and seal the capillaries inside.
  • This product permeates through the wall to forms a chemical reaction with the line in the concrete thus preventing moisture from penetrating.
  • less expensive.
  • Easy to apply but several applications are necessary.


5. Apply Drainage Mat

  • This dimpled material must create air gaps between the newly treated wall and itself. These air gaps serve as channels for moisture to diverse to the drainage system/weeping tile.


6. Installing Weeping Tile / Drain Tile / Perimeter Tile

  • Weeping tiles are usually 4” diameter wide perforated pipe wrap with thin cloth/sock.
  • It’s a good idea to install cleanup valves for maintenance purposes only.
  • The proper slope of weeping tile is essential so water can flow easily away from the structure.
  • Sometimes 4” corrugated pipes are used that are wrap with landscaping fabric.


7. Back-filled excavated area.

  • cover weeping tile with crush rocks.
  • Add a layer of fabric to the excavated soil. The soil must be compacted ever few inches depending on the type of soil.





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